Apr 21, 2006

More fiber happiness (another episode of As the Stash Grows)

Before I forget, must post a crappy but still-existent pic of the fluffies that arrived from High Prairie Fibers today:

If you click the link to High Prairie up there, it'll take you to the page with My Precious Fibers on it -- that aqua stuff (Day's End 028 aqua blues, to be precise) is marked "sold" 'cause it's MINE now! ;) You can see that their photo looks rather different from mine, but I have pretty bad lighting in here right now. (Must ... set ... up ... studio lighting...) The white is 8 oz. of Ile de France X Dorset roving, and I might try to keep my paws off it to save for the dyeing exchange.


Now I'm going to go sharpen the "top" (technically I can switch it around any which way) end of my new CD spindle and work up some more of Isis's Spring Misty Merino to get warmed up for playing with other fibers. I've been kinda bleahh for the past couple of days (hint: "kinda bleahh" is an understatement ;D) and it's been hard to convince myself to do something fun and easy like spinning, especially something as fun and easy as spinning small amounts of yarn. So I'm going to say spinning the Spring Misty is for me (hence I shall be selfish and permit myself to do it), and then when I feel in the spinny groove I'll work on the sample yarns and the RAK yarn I well-intentionedly promised to people. I will deliver, too, just not as fast as *I* would have liked. But life does that sort of thing, and probably the recipients were expecting things to be delivered in this more human, less-Silver time frame anyway. Ah, well.
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