Aug 17, 2006

Aspiring sock warrior foiled at APC!

That is, the automated postal center was being whingy tonight and first refused to register that I was entering my PIN (on the very same keypad that registered me inputting the zip code ten seconds before...), then proved incapable of printing out postage (as opposed to postage labels, which it would and did print for me). So the Summer Holiday swaps are all going out tomorrow, apparently; the Handmade Soap swap did go out tonight, though not Priority as I'd intended because there were no darn Priority mail stickers to put on the package. Phooey. Anyway. Something got sent.

In other news, I think I'm going to be insane and participate in Sock Wars! I ... just can't help it. I like the idea of becoming one of the fallen because someone sent me a pair of socks. ;)

It's kind of funny, too, since I've only ever knit one pair of socks with actual sock-weight yarn, and they were tube socks, a.k.a. socks with no heel. The other pairs of socks I've knit have been worsted-weight yarn, and while they've had heels, they haven't had toes (meaning, they were Knitty's pedicure socks ;)). I hope the pattern that gets sent out doesn't require grafting or something like that. ;) On the other hand, I do have several sock patterns sitting around waiting to be knit, and this may give me the excuse I need to finish the socks for Shari, which use Magic Loop as Yarn Monkey recommends we practice ... or possibly a pair of socks for myself, which I have conveniently provided myself with yarn for already. Hmmmmmm...
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