Announcements and Other Notey-Type Things
Short this week, so we'll be on to the roundup and check-in lickety-split! First, a big thanks to everyone who used the new format for posting your check-in comments. It really really does help save time and effort on my part, so I can spend more time crafting and thinking up fun stuff to do with you guys and the rest of the crafty community. :D I've added the check-in format guidelines to the official rules page.
The other item in this week's announcements: Join me in saying "hey and welcome!" to the newest Craft-or-Busters.
Our newest supercrafters
Michelle a.k.a. Halloweentango has joined us with a quite organized set of goals: "1. To craft, or better yet, create in the physical form the visions residing in my head and dreams. 2. work on various knitting/crochet/sewing/needlework projects that are in my storage bin in particular a twenty year old cross stitch. 3. Actually upload pieces to my Artfire store. Blog writing happens about once a week for me anyways so that part is natural."
And Rhonda is also crafting along with us. She says, "My goal is to work on and complete at least one large project every 30-60 days and to finish at least one small project each week. Both of these can be in fiber, painting, metals etc. Sometimes it might encompass learning a new recipe and putting my 'stamp' on it to make it mine or it might be completing a simple scarf and leave photographic evidence on my blog."
That was easy, right? Moving along...
Roundup of Week 2: What We Crafted From Jan 10-16
Still trying to figure out how to get Flickr to let me search the Craft or Bust pool by date, so I can make a pretty mosaicy graphic to go here — if anyone knows how to make it work, let me know...
- Velma's Week 2 blog post features a lovely knitting needles + thermos + shabby chic fence photograph, and some thoughts on knitting, Photoshop, Help for Haiti, and other accomplishments.
- Sarah was reunited joyfully with her craft tools, which inspired her to make four things and try out a new material: lucite beads. Check out her first (lovely tangeriney) lucite piece on Etsy or in the Craft or Bust Flickr pool.
- Meredith C. knitted on her stole and hooded scarf (sounds yummy), spun and plied some new yarn, and acquired a new goal: to do colorwork. Read all about it and check out some pretty purple spinning fiber in her Week 2 CoB blog post.
- Vickie took some photographs while camping in Death Valley, worked on her shrines, and finished a hat that you can see on her Ravelry projects page.
- Elabeth finished a baby blanket, worked on some sweaters, photographed a bunch of her WIPs for her Ravelry projects page, and added a WIP counter to her blog (I still need to do that ... or maybe not, since then you'd all get to see the shameful amount of WIPs I have). She knit every night in Week 2, which is awesome, if I do say so myself. I haven't done that in a while...
- Diana finished her shooter's mitts (although the recipient's reception was Not The Best — HMPH), worked on her top-down sweater, and discovered that she needs more yarn for her pattern sample.
- Joni Rae missed Week 1 check-in but came back to us for Week 2 — yayyy! She finished four cute and colorful goddess dolls, which sounds darn productive. :D Check them out here.
As always, let me know if I missed someone's Week 2 check-in comment. Someday I'll have some technological stuff set up to automatically net check-ins for me, but for now I'm pulling them out of my swampy inbox by hand. ;) Which brings us to...
Check-in for Week 3: What Have You Done Lately? (January 17-23)
I had a semi-productive week; I think I did more information-gathering and signing up than I did actual crafting, BUT I did get some crafting done, so I haven't mucked up my Craft or Bust goal yet. ;)
Monday, I knit some more on my original wristwarmers pattern using my handspun. Tuesday, I took some random photos of food — that's creative, right? — and on Wednesday I cast on another version of my wristwarmers pattern in a commercial yarn for comparison. I also joined Velma's Team COLORBOMBers for the Ravelympics — although we thought it was going to be Team Unsanctioned for a little while there ;) — (more info on the COLORBOMBers Ravelry group), and changed my blog template. I'm sure you've all noticed that, though. ;D Thursday, I took some beach photos and warped my Cricket loom to start weaving a fresh new blue scarf for my Etsy shop, which is strangely pink-looking of late. Friday, I pondered what yarn to use in the Spazzy TwitKAL, for which we're going to be knitting the Traveling Woman shawl. I also signed on to test knit a Hug Monster (that's a Ravelry link) and measured and recorded a bunch of statistics about my handspun yarns, since I'm pondering using handspun for the TwitKAL. Saturday, I did a bunch more Ravelry account maintenance stuff — took some yarn photos (see that nice yellow yarn up there?), added some yarns to my stash page, added some projects to my projects page ... Anyone want to take some Louet Alpaca Web off my hands? ;)
What did you do this week?