Jan 19, 2007

Copper wireplay and a new clay spindle

Blogger wouldn't let me post yesterday, even though I was a good girl and I took photos right away. Phooey. ;) The knit peace crane is still unfelted and unphotographed, though.

Anyway, I made myself a new spindle yesterday; I kept running out of spindles of the right qualities to spin what I want to spin (which is my fault for having several million spinning projects going at once, but ;)), and I kept hungering for a hand-turned wooden spindle from the yarn shop, but alas, fundage is low. So while I had the polymer clay out to make Brian a cutesy little pocket heart to take with him to work and hopefully cheer him up in his sucky job...

...I made myself a new spindle, too:

I didn't weigh it (bad me), and now it has yarn on it, so that'll have to wait, but overall I'm happy with the speed of spin and the balance. It would do a little better with a hook, probably, but I was far too impatientlazyfusion to attempt to dig out a hook from Somewhere in the Craft Stash. I started spinning up some Colonial last night and it may even turn out laceweight. ;)

While I was being crafty, I also posted a new set of stitch markers on Etsy:

Along with a new copper ring:

Yes, I'm in Desperate Production mode, the variant where I make arbitrary things that pop into my head and hope someone else likes them. I hear that other artist/crafters stay in that mode a lot of the time, but I've had problems with that entire "doing what I love and what's easy when I want to do it" thing. ;)

And today I made two ear cuff prototypes that I'm currently testing on myself. One is fairly basic, so no photo yet, but here's the other:

It's a design I came up with that's new to me, at least, in which I was going for a) increased comfort and b) increased stability, meaning I hope these won't fall off as much as the uncomfortable but pretty ear cuffs I've worn in the past. Oh, and pardon the ear redness; that's what happens when I haven't worn an ear cuff in years and I keep putting one on and taking it off inefficiently since I haven't figured out the best way to do it yet.

In other news, the first Mystery Skein Swap project is nearly done, and I'm pondering where to go with the next thing to use up the rest of the skein. I'm also involved in two more trades right now, these for fiber ... mmm, fiber. As mentioned, I'm po' and am negatively in funds currently, but I need to get my new fiber fix, too, and the breed swap turnaround is far too slow for me to do it with that like I'd planned. ;)

So yeah. Not doing too badly at the moment. Must remember to order Folkwear pattern for FLARF costume, though ... and get fabric at some point.
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