Jul 20, 2010

Shawly stuff: new shawl pin design, new tips and tricks

In case you didn't see me blathering about it on Twitter or Facebook, I achieved some great off-butt-gettage (that is, I got off my butt ;)) on the Star and Crossbones Web site recently. Yes! I finally started filling in the long-empty freebies page! It's all for you, O wearers of shawl pins: a tips and tricks page for ring-style shawl pins. Check it out, let me know if it sucks, let me know if you love it, etc. And if you have tips or tricks on how to use a ring-style shawl pin (or another kind of shawl pin; I do have plans on adding more tips and tricks pages), drop me a comment, or something. I'll be sure to give you credit if I use your suggestion. :D

There was other off-butt-gettage last week, too. Proof!

Getting ready
Wire and wire-pounding tools await!

And this is what came out of it:
Sneak preview: beaded shawl pin

Ta-da! A new shawl pin design! I'm going to make some more soon, so keep a weather eye out. ;D

...What, you want to actually see what it really looks like? Oooookay, fiiine...

Another picture of the new shawl pin design

Wish me further productivity — and oh, if you have any requests on bead colors, feel free to let me know. I have probably every color of bead on the planet sitting in my bead stash from the Long Ago Jewelrymaking Days, so I should be able to oblige. ;)
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