But there are storm clouds lurking on the horizon...

Actually, I like hurricane season. Maybe that sounds a little crazy. But I was born in Florida, and I've spent most of my life here — and not by accident or out of laziness. The often-extreme weather is an old friend, and hurricane season is the rainy season. I love thunderstorms — the fresh smell of ozone and of water cooling the pavement and in the air, the sound of an army of little droplets on the roof, the looming clouds with all their shadow and light, the fleeting complexity of a distant lightning flash. It's nice to have a break from the crispy-making summer sun, and to have the contrast of a little cloudy murk to help me appreciate the sun more when it comes back.
So, for the love of hurricane season, I made a mini copper shawl pin — a scarf pin? — in a tiny hurricaney spiral.

Stats: Swirl measures approx. 2 inches by 1 1/2 inches; pin is 4 inches long; all made of hand-hammered copper wire.
And because last month I met and passed two of my little-but-significant 2010 goals — reaching 70 Etsy shop hearts and 140 Facebook fans — I offer this little pin to you as my very first giveaway.
The Prizes
First prize: One person will win the handmade mini shawl pin in the picture AND 15% off any item in the Star & Crossbones Etsy shop.
Runner-up prizes: Two other people will receive 10% off any item in the Etsy shop.
How to Enter: Leave a comment on this post (make sure to leave me some way of contacting you, too!) and let me know one of the following things:
- your favorite season, and why it's your favorite;
- something fun and little-known about yourself; or
- an idea for something you'd like to see made into a shawl pin.
- Tweet about the giveaway. Include a link to this post and make sure the tweet is @starncrossbones, so I can see you and count your entry!
- Follow me on Twitter @starncrossbones, and post a comment here about it OR tweet at me so I can follow you back. ;D
- "Like" Star & Crossbones on our Facebook fan page and post a comment about it on our fan page wall or here on the blog.
- Add the Star & Crossbones Etsy shop to your favorites (a.k.a. "heart" us!) and leave a comment about it here.
If, for some reason, you have trouble leaving a comment, you can use the contact form on the Star & Crossbones Web site to send me your entry information and I'll add you to my files manually. I don't want anyone to get left out due to technical difficulties!
Entries will close after June 15, 2010.
Someone wants to give my little baby hurricane pin a good home, right? Look at it, just waiting for your admiration and love! ;)

To all who enter: Good luck, and thank you most kindly for your interest! :D