Jun 24, 2010

Cleaning and the miracle of rediscovery

You know what would be amazing? If the condo and the craft room were always clean, everything neat and accessible — and, most importantly, if things were always findable. At least, the findable part has seemed pretty important today, as I've been looking for some important papers I may need rather soon. (I did find them; much yayness, and whew.) That aside, cleaning generally has a broad cascade of nice effects, and we Really Should Do It More. (But doesn't everyone say that? Even those whose houses seem unnaturally spotless seem to think it...)

Anyway, I guess the benefits of cleaning are starting to be needs around here, because the cleaning theme has been recurring a lot lately. Brian borrowed his mother's new steam cleaner last week; our carpet was sorely in need of a deep cleaning, as the cats aren't very discriminating about where they place their yarf. (That's what Brian calls it when they leave us little orangish logs of semi-digested food, or the gloopy cat-hair-log variant. Yayyyyy, cats!) We do clean the cats' presents up as soon as humanly possible, but there's only so much you can do with water, Woolite, hand-held scrub brushes and paper towels.

(You guys totally needed to hear about that, right? ;) This will eventually be related to crafty stuff — I promise!)

So ... yeah. When we steam-cleaned the bedroom carpet, we had to move everything off the floor. Being moderately responsible adults in some parts of our piratical hearts, we know that there shouldn't be piles of purses or baskets full of clothing in need of minor sewing repairs taking over the bedroom, so since we were moving them anyway, we dismantled them as much as possible and relocated what we couldn't put away. Thus, we successfully reclaimed the floor — woo! — but I also suddenly rediscovered the bottom two shelves of a bookcase, which I haven't seen in — well, let's just say it's been a while. ;)

And of course, on those two shelves were a whole bunch of craft-related books that I have also not seen in A While.

Bounty of books

Notice the predominance of weaving books? Yeah. I've owned all of those books on the order of two or three years longer than I've been weaving. Which makes me wonder if I subconsciously browbeat myself into buying a bunch of looms because I had books that demanded I learn to weave in order to understand them. Okay, more likely I was just inclined to learn to weave — but it's pretty funny that this entire time, longer than I've had my spinning wheel or any of my "big" fiber equipment, I've had a card-weaving book, a book full of woven color patterns, and several books that deal with basic fiber structure, spinning various fibers into yarn, and then weaving said yarn into various Cool Things — and they've all been sitting here in the bedroom. Who needs an attic to hide things in?

Weaving is Creative, the book containing a bunch of weaver-controlled weaving structures and rather creative ideas for using them to make artsy objects rather than purely practical ones, is particularly hilarious because I've been whining to myself about wanting a book with exactly that information in it. Hey! Now I have one! And now I just have to get back into the weaving groove!

But see? Cleaning is rewarding! ;D

(This blog post brought to you by the Council of Crafters for Clean Condos, a.k.a. me.)
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