Jun 16, 2010

Giveaway drawing coming soon ... and some more fluffy stuff

A big thank-you to everyone who entered the hurricane shawl pin giveaway — I'll be collecting all the entries from my various inboxes and the comment stream and putting them into a spreadsheet, checking them for duplicates, etc., in the next couple of days, so watch out for the drawing for the winners to be done later this week ... and an extra thanks for your patience. ;)

So what have you been doing this week? I successfully found Tempus Projects (where Tampa's Etsy Craft Party is going to be) yesterday after driving by it about fifteen times, as it was tucked away in a gray building behind a church with a big sign ... but my charm pins for the goodie bags have been safely delivered. WHEW.

And today I finally listed some spinning fiber I created for the June Phat Fiber theme. Meet the moody Robin Goodfellow, a.k.a. Puck, Mr. Mischievous himself:

Playful Robin Goodfellow roving (Merino wool and Tussah silk)

Kindly Robin Goodfellow batts (BFL wool, Merino wool, Tussah silk, with dabs of nylon firestar in yellow and purple

And I still have about 80,000 things to do before Friday. I leave you with further proof of my hard work from yesterday — a photo of one of the charm pins someone will get in their goodie bag soon:

Another tiny square

The first mate done did good yesterday, too. He's not a fiber person, but he wove in all the tails on all the tiny squares I made, so that I could cut and label and glue and package in time to make it to the dropoff at Tempus. It seems that having helpers is actually useful, after all — once you get them trained properly. ;)
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