Jun 13, 2010

Craft or Bust Week 23 Check-In and Roundup (June 6-12)

This week has been full of mishaps and insanity for me, but I still managed to craft ... Whew. Here's your weekly Craft or Bust fix!

First, welcome Susie to the official ranks! Now...

Roundup of Week 22: What We Crafted From May 30-June 5

  • Susie made soap. Check it out on her blog! She also practiced sewing jersey on her now-functional serger (hurrah ;)) and made a t-shirt ... which is more than I've ever done with my own serger. ;) Congrats, Susie!
  • Jessica finished her vampire socks and started a new pair of gift socks that are intended as a Dad Christmas gift and also as a way to help her mother through her first pair of socks. Multi-tasking is teh awesome. ;D She also ordered a big box of Knit Picks yarn, including some to make a Dad sweater, and she planted the flower beds with her mom and sister and made slow-cooked pork chops. Nom nom nom.

Check-in for Week 23: What Have You Done Lately? (June 6-12)

What I did this week:

Charm Pin: FlowerpotStill writing every day, no matter what. Yay. :D Sunday, I also finished machine-hemming the scrubby wash cloths I wove a couple of months ago, photographed them, listed them in the Etsy shop, entered a wash cloth in the Clay and Fiber Challenge and knitted some more on the fingerless gloves. Monday, I made my first Etsy treasury, made an ad for Project Wonderful (if you're curious, you should be able to see it on Cory's Aquarian Bath blog in the right column, below the Delicate Adornments widget — if no one has outbid me yet ;)), made a new graphic for the index page of the Star and Crossbones Web site, created a graphic for a small craft show banner, finished the fingerless gloves, and signed up to participate in the Etsy Tampa Craft Party (I'll be the demonstrator at the fiber arts craft station!). Tuesday, I ran around crazily and didn't get a lot done because the local craft shops were out of the stock I wanted, carded some batts, and made some micro-shawl-pins. Wednesday, I finally found wooden car wheels to make drop spindles with, made some spindles, designed some labels for my Phat Fiber samples, took a ton of photos of samples and other crafty miscellany, and listed my first charm pin (a.k.a. micro-shawl-pin) in the Etsy shop. Thursday, I sawed the spindle shafts down to size, put leaders and starter fluffs on the spindles, and gathered all the fiber, yarn, spindles, kits, etc., for Friday's spinning demo. Friday, despite having a super-bizarre day, I did my very first official spinning demo. Yay! And Saturday was my day of rest ... sort of. I hung out with actors and babbled creatively at a party, which almost counts as crafty — it was a bit of a recharge, at least. ;)


What did you craft this week?

Don't forget to use the standard check-in format on the rules page!

And again, if you're new to Craft or Bust, check out the CoB rules page and sign up if you like — it's easy!
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