Oct 23, 2006

Irish hiking wristwarmers, updates

Made for my partner in the recent Swapbot Wish Swap, a pair of Irish hiking wristwarmers:

Knit in KnitPicks Wool of the Andes, which isn't as skritchy as I'd feared, woohoo. ;D I'm trying to decide if I like these enough to make myself a pair that I'd actually wear.

Updates on other projects: In Sock Wars news, I haven't been killed, but on the other hand the pair of socks that was supposed to be coming to me from my first target/victim seems to have been eaten by the mail. New yarn is on its way soon. (I seem to be getting a lot of sock yarn in the mail recently; the other stuff is from the Socks for Soldiers donation basket and is thus going to charity efforts. So none of the sock yarn I'm getting in the mail is for me. ;)) Also, some Halloween jewelry pics should be coming soon. Spoooky.
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