Sep 12, 2010

Craft or Bust Week 36 Check-In and Roundup (September 6-11)

Sorry for the lack of posting, all ... I had a pretty traumatic week last week (and when I say "pretty traumatic" I mean it was possibly the most traumatic week of my adult life so far). I had so much planned — but eh. I'll post some details on what happened once I get my head a little clearer. Now, back to CoB:

Roundup of Week 35: What We Crafted From August 29-September 5

Last time, on Craft or Bust...

    Jessica the Steadfast did battle with the back of the house alongside her mom on Sunday, and then took a well-deserved rest from crafting. During the rest of the week, she knit the thumb of one of the Fair Isle mittens, knit some of her dad's sweater, and got a couple of craft books. She started another new job, too, got a huge box of yarn from Knit Picks, started AND finished a trilobyte hat for her friend Alex, and darned one of her handknit socks. Sounds like a pretty good week...

Check-in for Week 36: What Have You Done Lately? (September 6-11)

Signage at Dragon*ConIn the past week, despite Traumatic Events by the name of the Great Dragon*Con Debacle of 2010, I did do a little bit of crafting. Sunday I was still at the con. Monday, I shopped at the con and bought a neat "transitional stone" cabochon to wrap someday. Then we got home to ... ridiculousness at the house. More on that in a later blog post. Most of Tuesday through Friday was taken up by trying to undo as much of the Debacle damage as possible. On late Friday I dug out some gift knitting needles and some gift yarn and started trying to knit a face scrubby to replace the one that got thrown out in the Debacle. Saturday, I tore out, reknit, and finished the face scrub, updated the CoB RAK list and sent it out, knit a few rows of Brian's long-abandoned Duel sweater, and knit and mucked up about half a wedge of my long-abandoned Perfect Pie shawl. Maybe today I'll unknit it stitch by stitch, since I was stupid enough not to put in a lifeline ... sigh.

So what about you? Share your own crafty accomplishments from the past week in the comments here, and don't forget to use the standard check-in format on the rules page!

And as always, if you're new to Craft or Bust, check out the CoB rules page and sign up if you like — it's easy!
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