Notes & Announcements
Happy last day of the Ravelympics/2010 Winter Olympics! If I miss something in this week's check-in and round-up, just let me know ... My brain has been all wrapped up in the crazy sports and knitting events of the past couple of weeks. ;)
Roundup of Week 7: What We Crafted From Feb 14-20
- Velma was a multi-medalist in the Ravelympics with 3 WIPs finished, a hat knitted, and 3 UFOs frogged. Woohoo! She also took her required daily photos and read two books. Read about it on her blog.
- Jessica cast on some socks for the Ravelympics, tried to make a lemon meringue pie and experienced epic failage (but hey, at least she tried ;)), made oatmeal cookies that did not fail, put together a Lego car, and watched a metric ton of hockey (which, er, teaches creativity, even if it isn't a craft, right?).
- Sarah made more shiny things and oxidized them, ate marshmallows, made an attack on a flea market and got away with more trinkets, felt pressured by my CoB updates to be funny (oops ;)), and resolved to make a light bulb terrarium (which I'm sure we'll get to see when it happens ... right?).
- Halloweentango (Michelle) finished sorting photographs (and light shone down from above), uploaded sunsets to an online gallery, studied lace knitting, made yummy chocolate cake, started knitting some new lace, and won two Ravelympics medals. Read about it on her blog.
- ThisGoodLife (Anna) was back with us last week after a little hiatus ... Send her and her family positive thoughts, because her grandmother just died, and she found out while she was crafting newspaper and phone book pots. Erk. She and her father made a picture show, which certainly counts as crafty ... Read about it on her blog (and leave nice comments!).
- LunabudKnits aka Stephanie Stratton finished some more of her neverending turquoise shawl (which I'm sure will be lovely :D), started carding some alpaca, shared her puni method, and carded some BFL (hey, I was dyeing BFL this week — maybe it's contagious! ;)).
Check-in for Week 8: What Have You Done Lately? (Feb 21-27)
What I did this week:
Sunday, I sent out some more test-knitting packages, bought a set of dedicated measuring spoons for dyeing with, bought a new display item for craft shows, organized my Ravelry queue (made sure everything was in a category findable in a tab, and deleted some old things that weren't available any more or that I've grown beyond wanting to knit).
Monday, I wrote my CoB RAK wish list and finally sent the consolidated wish list file to everyone who sent one in (
e-mail me and let me know if you want a copy but didn't send in a wish list yourself), started dyeing a bunch of BFL roving to make into yarn for the
Etsy shop, received my first feedback from a test knitter, organized my test-knitting files, worked on updating the test-knitting form but didn't get it working the way I wanted so it isn't uploaded yet, sent some more test-knitting packages, and knitted on the second Filey sock for the Ravelympics.
Tuesday, I made hot and sour soup, picked out some beads for making a test-knitter's compensatory stitch markers, finished knitting the Filey socks FINALLY!, made a page on the blog for my knitting patterns (see the little link at the top? ;)), picked up some abandoned Colonial wool and my neglected drop spindle and spun a little yarn to test the product of
my wrist distaff pattern, packaged up a RAK, and wrote drafts of two more tiny knitting patterns.
Wednesday, I
got hooked up as a Ravelry designer, sent my RAK, picked up a cross-stitching project from B's mom, bought more vinegar to dye with, re-started knitting on my Scrapilicious Mini Tote UFO for the Ravelympics and then had to stop and wash a ball of yarn that had escaped and gotten dirty, started writing out some detailed gusset instructions for my pattern being tested, and spun a little more Colonial wool on the drop spindle.
Thursday, I talked to a friend of mine about an artsy collaboration for his company, dyed some more BFL top, and ... did my taxes, which isn't crafty, but involves my crafty business. ;)
Friday, I dyed some more BFL top and worked on my Silken Scabbard UFO for the Ravelympics.
Saturday, I finished the detailed gusset instructions and sent them to the test knitting group, wrote myself a writing pep talk, did some plot work for the Ancient Book Project, and ripped out and re-knitted a bit of the Silken Scabbard that I messed up while watching Apolo Ohno skate.
HOLY CRAP. The Ravelympics have apparently inspired me. ;) So.
What did you craft this week?
(Don't forget to use the
standard check-in format on the rules page!)