This month is
National Novel Writing Month. If by chance the rumor-mill of the Internet hasn't bludgeoned you with that idea till you're sick, and if by chance you don't know what that means, it means this: Those of us who are crazy enough are trying to write 50,000 words of novelish fiction in the 30 days of November.
I've written 3,354. That leaves 46,646 words to go ... in seven days.
Sound crazy? It absolutely is.
But I have another goal — a less crazy one. And you can help me with this one AND with the crazy one at the same time.
This is how: My NaNoWriMo fundraising team needs $65 to reach our fundraising goal for the month. The money we raise goes toward
free creative writing programs held all over the world by the people who run NaNoWriMo.
For every dollar donated through my page before December 1, I will absolutely commit to writing 100 more words before the end of the month. The more you donate, the more I write. And the more you donate, the more creative writing gets done out there somewhere in the world.
Your donation will be tax-deductible, because the Office of Letters and Light, NaNoWriMo's parent organization, is
a registered nonprofit.
How about it? You can help me, my team,
and other people all over the world who dream of being great writers — just
make a donation, however small. To donate, go to
my page and click the "Sponsor me!" button near the top right.
As a bonus,
if you forward me a copy of your donation confirmation e-mail, I will send you a coupon code good toward anything in
my Etsy shop. Send your donation confirmation e-mails to crystal at (replacing the "at" with the @ sign in your e-mail).
If we reach our fundraising goal — and we can raise $65 in a week, right? ;D That's just 13 people donating $5 each! — before December 1, I'll send an
extra surprise to anyone who forwards me their donation confirmation.
So if you're a supporter of creative dreams, of great writing, of having fun, and of challenging limitations — please
make a donation, even just a tiny one. Every dollar counts — for 100 words and quite a bit more. ;)
Thank you muchly! ;D